Loved it, so pumped for the teased sequel.
I have no investment in the MK lore or franchise, just someone who liked the 1994 movie and will buttonmash happily at a party (remember parties in the before times?), and I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I was expecting a cheesy romp like 1994 but I was actually mildly affected by the various characters' struggles and relationships? Very pleased by the dialogue, action, and CGI.
Like, it's still a movie that spells combat with a K, but if you can sit through a superhero movie, this is about the same, just with comical gore, blood n guts, people getting cut in half etc. Normal day in a machine shop type stuff. Also pleased that we got a hard-R movie without any annoying romance or gratuitous sex scenes (although I think Liu Kang and Kung Lao kind of had a thing going, bless you fellas) and they kept Sonya and Jax platonic.
Again, I don't give a hoot about the lore, so everyone getting powers from their Arcana instead of being a mixture of magic, mutants, and badass normals = don't care, and characters mastering their powers at the speed of plot = don't care. Love it, Kano funny, include more furry/anthropomorphic fighters next time.