This is a powerful, sobering recounting of of some of the noble souls in Germany, who had the intelligence and insight to recognize the great path of peril that the country was heading down upon the advent of Hitler seizing power; once ensconced in leadership, his tyrannical throat-hold on the nation and it's capitulating masses could only end in unspeakable bloodshed.
This is not the first time that a country's citizens allowed impossible promises and manipulative ego-stroking to blind them to reality and it's consequences (sadly, nor will it be the last). Like sheep, far too many were led into a living hell, by the lies and half-truths, they were told and believed.
In the blinding desire for "free-stuff" and to get 'revenge' for past wrongs, they could not see or recognize the deception and lies that were cleverly hidden in the sinister cloak of "Social Justice". They didn't lose their freedoms in the beginning, they happily handed them over to a monster who ended up doing exactly what he said he would in his own book. Too many responded to the goals in the book with, "That's not what he means, you are taking him out of context." Or, worse yet, they didn't bother to read it.
Fear is a great controlling weapon. By the time many woke up to the nightmare they were living, it was too late. They had already rendered themselves defenseless; physically, mentally and emotionally.
Only those who possessed strong inner convictions of right and wrong, and valued individual freedoms, seemed able to gather the courage to at least try to rescue their beloved country and countryman.
Not enough praise and respect can be given to such souls. Their story has not ended with their death, the final, remaining chapters will be written by the Ultimate Judge, who will no doubt say "Well done, thou good and faithful servants". Meanwhile, the refrain that rings in my mind, is, "Greater love hath no man (woman) than this, that a man (woman) lay down his (her) life for his (her) friends".
John 15:13