Disappointing and inconclusive ending. I like my drama(&books) to be credible. I accept that there will be many false trails,red herrings and cul de sacs but imo there was a lot of self indulgence and navel gazing by the author and drama directors. Unanswered questions: why and who was the Lexie “doppelgänger”?, what happened to Adam’s tee shirt and his blood filled shoes, what was the “motorway” fraud and did Cahil engineer it? What did happen to Peter and Jamie? Where did Cassie get the Jane Doe ashes from?Cassie’s abortion was a bit predictable and the likelihood of Adam doing Murder in Dublin and only being recognised by Shane was stretching credibility to the very limited. Having said all that the acting and the interplay within the police and undercover agency was excellent. As a drama ,like so many these days,the last episode was imo very “lazy” hence my disappointment. Surely the title is misleading ? Dublin Murder (Katy Devlin) not Murders?......or is there room for a sequel?!