I highly highly highly recommend this movie. I am a major fan of movies like this, and one of my favorite movies is perks of being a wallflower, this is a different kind of movie, but also very similar. This movie directly tackles the life of someone dealing with schizophrenia. It goes through trying all the processes that do and don’t work, the actual internalization and thoughts, it shows the voices and characters your mind could hear, and it just shows day to day life. Now I personally am not schizophrenic. I have many many many other mental illness though, and I live with all of them at one time, and I think as someone who understands the difficulty of balancing it, and just all of the thoughts, this movie portrayed it perfectly. I loved the actors they casted, and I loved the story, because it wasn’t just about a romantic love, it was about all kinds of love and what it’s like for others when dealing with these issues. It also pointed out that sometimes you won’t find a set out cure, but you find what works for you and allows you to still be you. This is my new favorite movie, and I do not think I could personally tell enough people about it. And if I could personally thank the author who wrote the book (which I haven’t read yet but I do hope to) and personally thank the screenwriter and just everyone involved in this movie I would, it made me feel seen and understood. It was very realistic and showed those struggles and issues. I don’t have enough words to explain the excellence and amazingness of this movie, I will leave it with, my husband never ever cries, and this movie got my husband to cry.