I am putting this here as one who is waiting for an xbox release of Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. I do not have any blog accounts, nor do I make youtube content at the time of typing this.
(Disclaimer: I tried to make this as neutral as possible, as I am only putting this out for others to see- not to argue or be upset about. The information in this is mostly opinion, both from me and from what I see others discuss). To skip to the conclusion, read the last paragraph.
If you are in the group of people who are awaiting a release for a specific console, or the group of people who do not have the ability to play the game yet but want to; you may have been checking and seeing that only 1 or 2 blog posts within the past few months discuss a possible Xbox and Nintendo Switch release for SB, and the same can be said about youtube and content creators. This may be the result of such a hyped game being released and coming out with a bad first impression in the form of bugs that most say made the game "unplayable" on release. While some may say that it is all Steel Wool Studios' fault that they released a poorly made game, others argue that it is just a case of Steel Wool Studios being rushed to complete the game after people started to doubt if the game would ever come out (one possible example is how the game was changed quite a bit from the October 2021 PlayStation "State of Play" trailer that was just a little bit less than two months before the game's release).
On the other side of the equation though, there is debate whether or not it is Sony's fault for this. If you haven't heard or only just learned about PlayStation exclusives, Sony (the masterminds behind PlayStation) find certain game development groups/ companies to come to an agreement with them and have somewhat of a mutual relationship (in which Sony might buy part of or all of the development company). This may be in the form of a huge compensation of money to the developers, extra promotion for their game(s), or assistance in making/ polishing the game- in turn for a certain period of time upon release that the game is considered exclusive to PlayStation (though the PC version may still release) for that period of time. Lots of the games they get to be exclusive are ones that have been hyped for some time, meaning they will get the most attention on release out of other game releases. Game series like Horizon (Zero Dawn, Call of the Mountain, and Forbidden West), Gran Turismo, and of course- the latest in the Five Nights at Freddy's series; all published under/ by Sony Entertainment. I won't discuss their intentions on this and whether or not it is evidence of rivalry with other console companies, however, I will cover what this means for Five Nights at Freddy's.
(Sorry, I had to shorten this to post it so I cut a lot out), we come to Security Breach; a PlayStation Exclusive for the first 3 months upon release (on PC as well). The teaser trailer for PlayStation from September 2020 had the statement, "Not available on other consoles until 3 months after release date."
Conclusion: Sony was generous by giving 3 months instead of a year, but as 3 months have passed (4 in 15 days), no news or anything has mentioned a release. This is entirely up to Steel Wool whether or not they release a port to other consoles, and until anything happens with it- I will continue to enjoy using this wait time to get back into some o