1st season was very good, 2nd season was OK, but 3rd season, I skip watching the rest of it. The book was totally awesome and I hate to see that they deviated the scenes from the book. Didn't you know that the greatest part in the book was when Colin stood for Penelope and made his love declaration before telling the crowd he was proud of her as Lady Wistledown? Sadly, it was changed in this series. Second part was the greatest friendship between Penelope and Eloise in the book which was not destroyed despite of their secrets and identities. These are few of the reasons why 2nd and the 3rd seasons were not that much outstanding for me. And geese, I was excited for Francesca and Michael's story but upon seeing that they turned Michael to Michaela, ew...my hope and excitement were crushed...I will never watch Bridgerton again! I will just stick to the book, thank you! So disappointing...