The film was fantastic. Just wanted to get more of Rishi Kapoor. Paresh Rawal tried to do his best but Rishi Kapoor was Rishi Kapoor for a reason. The natural acting, his presence, his aura, the way of his dialogue delivery, even just his facial nods and expression were outstanding. The guy could dominate Big B with his presence as displayed in the movie 102 not out. Paresh ji has his own unique style which is very different than Rishi Kapoor. Paresh ji is a forced comedian while it flows naturally from Rishi Kapoor. It would have been better if rest of the role was played by someone not very well known like Paresh Rawal.
Rest in Peace Rishi ji. The world will forever miss you. The best two natural actors to ever come out of the Kapoor family, Shashi ji and Rishi ji, both gone. God bless their soul.
Pity this type of classic movie based on real life everyday family doesn't get much coverage and on the other hand BS, rubbish, nonsense kind movie RRR gets all the craze. Sadly this is where we have come.