I am a regular viewer of your show and have purchased many products.
If I take an interest in a product I know to hurry and order it because I don’t want it to run out.
Today I decided, wow I’d really like to order the special Glam box for once . I can’t really afford it but what the heck I am 77 why not? I am going to treat myself and feel like I’m stopping the clock for a while.even If it didn’t change anything 🙁. I got on my cell phone while they were just closing the segment. I filled out the order and before I could get my payment done it said SOLD OUT. I was so disappointed I really liked what was in it. Then I thought let me get ahead of the next box coming up and I’ll order it now. Filled it out again and that was sold out. I didn’t mind missing out on box 2 because there was only two things on there I wanted. Were there so few to begin with to run out that fast?
Very disappointed.
Patricia Lavin