This is a truly romantic well-worth watching drama.
Ye Shiqi might seem like a boring first male lead, compared to the more exciting Xiangliu or Cuan Xuan. But Shiqi is the one who moved Wen Xiaoliu's heart first. She missed the innocence of her youth, grieved the loss of knowing kindness and warmth in the world. In Ye Shiqi, she found the world still has kindness and sparked something within her heart to strive back to do well, which is why she volunteered to wash the bowls for the first time in her life as Wen Xiaoliu.
She is extremely gentle with Shiqi, speaking with him differently from the two orphan kids, showing her girly side and flirting with him, even as Wen Xiaoliu. It can be said they were already dating for years, before she became Xiaoyao.
Until Shiqi betrayed her the first time, she thought he could be her eternal companion as a diety with a long life. So when he transformed into Tushan Jing, she felt she lost her lifetime companion, that amounted to a lot of friction between them.
Shiqi, having experienced the loss of her trust the first time he disobeyed her, becomes extremely frightened to lose her again, thus why in everything he listens to her without questions later on, leading to a failed partnership between them. He continues to act like a servant, doing everything she asks, above and beyond, helping Cuan xuan rise to the throne and giving many free favours to Xiangliu (which he thought they were having an affair)for nothing in return, because he thought it was what she would have wanted. A servant doesn't question one's master, and he acts in such a manner, hoping she doesn't leave him like the first time he didn't listen to her. Unknowing to him, she always had chosen only him.
It's a sweet romance with a deeper meaning of sacrifice and love.