I'm being honest I didn't think it was too great they focused way more on everyone bar the arrow characters and legends characters and the ones that we see on screen are either underutilised or just being ruined I know the final 2 episodes are still to be released but as far as I'm concerned I don't think it's great killing off Oliver only to bring him back and them become spectre is ridiculous I'm sorry but as far as I'm concerned it's just not as good as what I had hoped especially with endgame you would think dc might have picked up on a few things but to be very honest crisis has not been that good and it should have been a lot better
I also think that killing off Oliver was a massive mistake I'm being honest I've been all out arrow fan from the start to trough the best and worst of times but for the show that built up the crisis and it's ending after starting all the way back in 2012 you should at least pay respect to the cast of arrow for all its done and the hype didn't pay off the arrow characters like rene and dinah
have been so underutilised and the fact that the writers have wrote the plot so wrong is really evident in the way that Mia smoak is the best character in terms of how crisis was written I'm sorry but if people thought season 4 ruined arrow I would disagree I am very upset with how this has turned out