Terrible. Just a terrible read and I can't believe there are so many positive reviews about this book. What that says I'm not sure but it can't be good.
The story is, frankly stupid, the dialog unbelievable and the fairy tale / religious themes ridiculous. But to recap the story, Shepard has a dream about finding treasure near the pyramids. Long journey to the pyramids and told by his "heart" (yes apparently his heart has specific things to say but that doesn't make him schizophrenic) where to dig for the treasure. But guess what? He digs and finds no treasure. Instead he is met by some guys who rob him and talk about how they had a dream that they could find treasure where the story starts, where the shepherd had his dream about the pyramids!! So....shepherd goes back where he started and finds treasure there. Dumb? Well maybe it says you should look closer to home for your personal legend thing... but no, that isn't the point. The point is... well who knows what it is.
But during his journey we find out that metals, rocks, wind etc all have personal legends and have dreams. Lead, as it turns out, doesn't dream of becoming gold but is instead forced to become gold by the alchemist. Apparently, this whole lead into gold thing was The Alchemist's personal legend and he was able to achieve it because, well, the "Soul of the World" helped out and he really wanted it badly. From that I think that is my Personal Legend. Why not? Go buy some fishing weights and make some gold. Talk about not needing a 401K.
All of this is just wishful thinking with some sexism thrown in. Women don't pursue their person legends apparently, rather they wait for their men while they are out doing that personal legend pursuing thing.
Dumb dumb dumb. A badly written, silly story with the single point that if you follow your dreams, the universe will help you out. It's a nice thought I suppose but I just wish the story line was more believable. And one thing I do know. No matter how much want to turn a 5 pound lead fishing weight into gold, it isn't going to happen. Talk to the wind, sun, falcons, sand, souls of the earth and believe it as much as you want, it ain't going to happen. Oh how I wish it did work that way... and apparently so does a lot of people who gave this book an undeserved positive review.