This series goes on the short list as one of my all time favorite shows. I loved it! The actors were phenomenal! It just was raw and real and funny as hell at times. (I did wonder if they had to write into the script that the mom went to prison for 5 years because the actress who played her was pregnant, cuz the prison dress was kinda full in the waist, or maybe that is how it happened and his break in to the prison was a great part of the story and even seemed kind of plausible.) It didn't matter to me tho what seemed like it may or may not have happened since it was 'loosely' based on real life, it was just a great ride to go on. The love between the brothers and other family members was real enough for me. I wondered if Ely could continue his adventures and we might see a second season. I would have liked to know what happened to Slim's dog and cool Toyota.