This might be one of the worst car films out there. Confusing, overacted, terrible writing, bad accents, comical car crash scenes, terrible lighting, and no character introductions.
They hardly introduce any of the characters in the film, making it extremely hard to follow and confusing. Adam Driver has multiple "important conversations" with characters who are never introduced. I am sitting there thinking, "Who is this guy he is talking to, and what is his importance to Ferrari?" That happens multiple times in the story.
Then on to the writing. So, dramatic and corny. There’s a scene where his wife needs to give Ferrari her shares so he has control of the company. She agrees but says, “I want my gun back,” and they start to hook up. 🙄🙄 Just lazy writing. The whole thing is over-dramatic and corny the whole time. Half the time you are thinking, “There is 0% chance they talked to each other like this.”
Adam Driver's mistress is supposed to be from France??? Worst accent I have ever heard and Penelope Cruz’s was pretty bad too. Doesn’t help that Adam Driver looks nothing like Enzo Ferrari either.
Didn’t get invested in any of the characters because they never introduce them or create character development. Half the time characters are just staring blankly, and you can hardly see them because the lighting is so bad.
You have to squint the whole time in this movie because the film is so dark and hard to see. I get they are trying to make it ominous, but it makes for a terrible watch when half the time there is no dialogue, and when there is dialogue, half the characters are mumbling with a bad accent. It needed more wide-shot scenes of Italy and cars.
Speaking of cars and car scenes, let’s talk about the crashes. Comical and unrealistic… I knew the movie was going to struggle after the first car crash scene. It looked like a cartoon scene with the driver flying/spinning out of his car seat. It just looked cheaply filmed and cartoonish. I was laughing at a scene that is supposed to be traumatic.
I love Penelope Cruz and think Adam Driver is an actor on the rise, but holy moly, this was terrible. The best part of the film was the wide shots of the Italian countryside during the race.