Let's just start with a public service. Don't watch this show. You will be left with a unquenched sense of dissatisfaction by the time you finish its season 2. I know I won't be watching the season 3. Let me explain why I feel this. You know, leaving aside the extremely awesome or extremely bad shows in the spectrum, there are usually Good shows and Bad shows, and usually you can tell them apart by watching trailer, then there are some shows that need some more in depth watching, but usually you can tell classify them within first couple of hours of watching. Well, this show belongs to none of them. This is like that childhood friend of yours, whom you thought was a good person through your childhood and early adulthood, only to realize that he or she is a covert narcissist and a highly toxic person well into your late adulthood. And only then you realize, there were always occasional signs, but you always gave them a benefit of doubt or overlooked them or thought that you were being too nitpicky. But, by the time you realize the actual character of that person, it has already sucked our precious time and satisfaction out of your life. Well, this show is exactly like that. The buildup is so good, the acting, character building, creating a large world view was so apt, you begin to think, it's gonna be one of those mind expanding, mindblowing shows. You will face occasional silly plotholes, bad dialogues, cliche storylines or some disconnected plots that never come back in the story again, but you would think, well they all are eventually gonna come together for a big reveal, a big realization a truly unprecedented plotline.....but it never comes. It was only when I was watching the final episode of the season 2, I realized it was all a facade, it was a pretend show, that pretended to be a good sci fi show with poor CGI, plots picked up from different movies and shows just to appear good without any coherence and with no central plot or storyline...Man, it sucked big.