It was mildly entertaining but overall it was just a dumb movie. The cliche, exhausted, know-it-all, single mother who can't get her life together (nor can she take more than 30 seconds out to put on a little make up or fix her hair for a date, because, yeah, women shouldn't have to!) -- the tech genius daughter -- the son that is that's trying to attract the 2022 image of beauty. Nothing about this film is original; it's more like a checklist of modern day Hollywood requirements for film (to the point where it's become stereotypical these days). Oh, and not to spoil anything but the sappy Egon thing? ANYWAY. How did Ghostbusters turn in to this? How can I explain the disappointment? Hmmm Well, we've waited like 13 years for the sequel to Avatar, right? Imagine loving Avatar and then going to the sequel, but the sequel isn't really like the original Avatar. In fact, it's not even in the same genre - it's far more like Dumb & Dumber than the original Avatar. THAT'S Ghostbusters: Afterlife