This is one of those cases where the author may have paid for the reviews because i can tell you it was the most antiemetic and racist book i have ever read. There is apparently a big controversy involving this books author being openly asian supremacist, a real american triple k level racist in the modern day. I can tell you, more offensive than the books racism was the slog of reading through it.
In the book multiple white and Jewish characters rip off the asian womans work and pass it off as their own. the book goes on to say it's indicative of these groups stealing everything from the "chinese race". I am not joking. The author also defends the treatment of muslims by the gov of the aforementioned country and denies the human rights abuses of that government. Avoid.
I think the fact it is in stores with such bad legibility is an indicator that the author is privileged and has connections in the industry. Nepotism is a thing we all know exists but when it results in stores stocking a book that would make Hitler himself smile, you have to wonder where it all went so wrong.