Incredibly astounding the director deserves every award for his amazing vision on capturing a con artist tale, a paradox of a life lesson with self worth and place in society within a relatable context using humor and wit. If America has Get out then Korea has parasite. The actors who portrayed the son and daughter will have great careers. I knew in the end of the film one outcome would happen yet I'm completely content with it's ending.
The ending is exactly the way it should be with no disappointment, no empty holes or leaving you wanting more. Not to spoil but the family reaped what they sowed starting back where they started but worse in a realistic context that isn't too heavy or daunting. The pace flowed smoothly and I appreciate the fact it wasn't as a daunting horror. The plot arch itself is horrific but there is no gore, no jump scares, nothing grueling. Amazing film and the theme shows in little details.