I feel the current program platforms contain one-sided negative coverage of Biden from issues which are 30 years old or more, while are current PRESIDENT has a huge list of disgraceful acts in the last two and a half years including separation of families, closing of government for over twenty days causing over 800,000 to suffer, Failure to acknowledge Russian interference in election.
Puerto Rico a state treated like third world country by Trump, total disrespect publicly to anyone who disagrees with him and what is the current number of verified lies around 7-10 per day to public?
Lets not forget the National Emergency which seems to have turned into another Trump pocket book.
As a long time viewer of CNN you must out smart Fox currently you are spending more time killing the Dem running for President with your continuing critical covering instead of keeping the focus on ALL of Trump's wrong doing,
Also CNN has constant coverage of pushing impeachment, Cannot beat the Senate vote now, push thru the courts for truth about Trump and they will get Senate vote.BE SMART