This tv show is one of the best tv shows I have ever seen in my life. The characters all have a certain meaning and depict something that is important. Jon Snow or Jon Targaryen is the best character in the series followed by Danaerius Targaryen.
The entire series that was spread over the years is wonderful and the strategic planning of the kings and the Queen was awesome. Certain roles in the series were good but did not get appreciation as they deserve.
HBO, it was a wonderful series and hope you make some more like this in the upcoming future. The best scene according to me was the moment Drogon destroyed the Iron Throne and took her mother away.
The secrets revealed in the series and the role of Little Finger and Waris is both good as well as unforgivable .
The editing done was the best I have ever seen in my entire life .
:-):-)👍👍 To the best TV show ever.