For those who are confused and looking for different versions of explanations:
[Ver 1] Japanese/Shaman were evil and white dressed girl (noname) was good. Japanese and the girl were non-human beings, and the shaman was working for the Japanese.
[Ver 2] (My favorite version) It was all because of the "mushroom", which makes people see illusions (IMPORTANT), aggressive, rash on skin, and eventually die, and turn into zombies. Symptoms are contagious.
The whole movie makes sense if:
The Japanese had a incurable disease (also a shaman), and finds this mushroom (which brings dead alive), and decided to do human experiment in this random town hoping that it can save himself.
The shaman learns about Japanese's plan, and cooperates with him just for money.
The girl (noname) was an illusion that people see under the effect of the mushroom, and actually everyone sees different version of the illusion. The movie only shows the cop's version. For example, the Japanese and the shaman also got infected, and see their version of illusion, which scares them in own ways.
All the people died because of the mushroom. During the curse part, the Japanese's pain was because of his own disease. The daughter screamed because of the sound, since she were under the effect of mushroom. The cop is already infected and the girl was just in his head.
The best part is, the answer was never hidden. It was literally on the news, rumor, the priest, and the camera shows the mushroom a few times. It was too obvious, so it did not get attention from the main character and the audience, which makes this movie super smart.