I would like to say this movie was nice to watch, but sadly I feel much of this movie felt like a missed opportunity.
The premise starts of well enough, as you see the determined nature of the main protagonist to succeed by any means necessary. The smoothness of the whole operation procuring elderly people as assets to be milked of their possessions, shows how genuinely cold hearted people can be in the pursuit of success and the all mighty dollar.
When the story progresses to reveal that they may have bitten of more than they can chew, where one of their targets has a very powerful son who is the head of a cartel, you'd think that they have got it coming and karma is about to rear it's ugly head but no....
What happens is so unbelievably stupid and just so totally forgettable.
Even if you manage to swallow the premise somehow and get to the end of the movie, the ending was just so lazily done, it is almost as if the writers just had to do it so as not to drive home the wrong message.
It could have been better but alas it was not.