Walking Dead was once a must not miss show. Now it's a 'I've watched every episode so I continue to watch because that's what I do' show.
It has been very poor for about at least 3 seasons, with ridiculous characters making absurd decisions. I also find the morality of the show troubling. It seems it is OK for the 'good guys' to arbitrarily kill people but a heinous crime when someone like Negan does likewise.
Every new person the group meets is treated like a potential threat, except when they're not and just welcomed without any explanation.
The getting out of impossible situations is ludicrous also, particularly Glen's miraculous escape from under the bin. Why did the zombies suddenly leave and why could none of them manage to grab him, how big was that BIN! Also, on some occasions the zombies overwhelm people, on other occasions one person can fight off tens of them singlehandedly.
Rick's non-death even trumped Glen's, how he managed to survive the blast was absurd and totally unrealistic.
Ridiculous decision making also extremely annoying. Jesus stays behind to fight off the zombies and dies. Why do that, there was literally no point to that decision, they were going out a gate, just everyone go and shut the gate. Also going out at night to do something that could be done in the daytime.
This last season has been almost unbelievably bad, with all of the above faults magnified. Plus why does there seem to have been virtually no development of their camps over 5 or 6 years. They look virtually identical and it seems no-one has attempted to contact anywhere else in the world beyond the camps.
That said the second last episode was the best in years, with a genuine twist when the severed heads were revealed. I'm not a comic book man so didn't know this was coming. Even this though was ultimately ridiculous. How did they manage to abduct the people, when it appeared only alpha was there. Also in true walking dead style, the baddies have got the groups' whole leadership but I explicable decide it's better to kill others. Just as Negan did in a previous season, makes absolutely no sense.
Finally, why is there so many zombies in the woods, in my experience of walking dogs you see very few people in woodland. In the walking dead that's where the zombies head for. Finally, finally, how can the zombies take people by surprise, one minute they are shuffling and moaning, next minute their stealth attackers no-one can hear. Particularly ridiculous in this season when they managed to sneak up on the whisperers, no guards apparently posted and it would seem they had suddenly realised the whisperers weren't zombies and decided to attack them.