It used to be good, about selling million dollar properties but since the inclusion of Tracy , then Heather it has plummeted down into big egoes clashing , who can show more flesh, sniping at the others. It has gotten too personal . They joy, curiosity of seeing these glorious homes has become secondary. I dont know if the producers tell the estate agents to get mean and dirty to spice it up but it has ruined it for me. Flagg is a gentle Soul . He came from great wealth . He has problems, more sensitive , His so called " friends" say they are his friends yet talk behind his back. Tracy , knowing Josh's personality still made a big scene , went OTT in Vegas , embarrassing Flagg and herself . Who wants to hear this? I want good tv, not soap operas. Really like the 2 Joshes. Heather is pushy and there for flaunting her body, not her brains. B O R I N G