I just watched "Civil War," which is somewhat of a misnomer. In actuality, civil wars, like all wars, have causes, ideologies, and political, social, or economic motivations. This "Civil War" has absolutely none of those, and, hence, no meaning. The conflict arose, seemingly, sui generis, from nothingness, and ends in absolute ambivalence. The plot, if there is one, chronicles the dehumanization of an aspiring teenage war correspondent who follows her idol into the combat zone for nearly two hours to prove nothing more than objective journalism means standing idly by to chronicle human atrocities so that others might get the opportunity to contemplate their ramifications. Ultimately, this film is as hollow as the media echo chamber of brainwashed reviewers who proclaim it to be horrifying, revealing, and relevant, which is no surprise, since to elevate this tripe into significance is like patting themselves on the back. I give it a half-star and an actual cardboard cookie, which every reviewer who found anything other than smoke and mirrors in this miasma deserves to be force-fed.