This movie is overrated that's first things first. I will have my pros and cons about it though. Pro 1: Jenna Ortega is a shining spot light in the film and should've been the new Sidney she is only in a couple of scenes after the first attack but overall good performance. Pro 2: the whole legacy trio and Judy Hicks are a saving grace for the movie. Con 1: The new characters are all boring and bland besides Tara(Jenna Ortega). Amber is a character that has nothing going for her, Richie is a generic boyfriend, Chad is a jock, Liv is just a boring teen, Mindy is a Randy knockoff and the movie thinks that having her and chad be Randy's niece and nephew will excuse that but it makes it worse, Wes is just here to die so they can do that fake "For Wes" stuff at the end, and Sam is the new Sidney Prescott but related to Billy and Oh my God when they show him in mirrors He looks 25 years older with a bad face filter but Sam is boring as a character and a let down for a new final girl. Con 2: The motive and movie talk is terrible. Amber and Richie want to make a stab film but Stab films are parodies of the Scream films so if this plan works there gonna be stuck with a parody of their murders anyway. The requel talk is outdated and copies Scream 4's commentary. Con 3: The biggest flaw is the role of each legacy character. Sidney is a mother and wife now when she gets call from Dewey and is missing for the next 40 to 50 minutes until she hears about Dewey's demise, Dewey is treated and handled the worst out of the three, he is an fired sheriff, divorced husband, and an washed up hermit living in a trailer when Sam seeks his help and Dewey decides to help because its not like he has something worth living for now, Dewey is in the scene of them talking about requels and is in the background and isn't put into effect until he goes to the hospital with Sam(TERRIBLE SEQUENCE) how is there not a nurse in sight, Dewey shoots at the killer puts Sam, Richie, and Tara on the elevator and goes to shoot the killer in the head Gale calls and he dies! God why does Dewey go out like this, Gale has the least to do she comes to Woodsboro to report Judy's death and she sees Dewey but this scene is terrible. It seems like Gale and Dewey are just rambling throwing a couple of things out there so the audience has to piece together what happened to their marriage. Gale sees Dewey rolled out in a body bag, Sidney returns talks to Sam, Gale and Sidney has two scenes in the car tracking Sam, They arrive at Stu Macher's former house but none of the teens knew that for some reason, Amber comes out shoots Gale, Sidney goes in shooting into doors wasting bullets, Sid gets a shoehorned phone call from Ghostface, gets tackled over the railing by Amber, Gale is brought in, When Sam fights Richie, Gale and Sidney gets a one and a half minute fight with Amber which ends with Gale shooting Amber 3 times in the torso , Amber is on fire, Sidney throws in a weak one liner "Enjoy that torch", two minutes later Gale and Sidney comes out of the kitchen to see Richie's dead body, Sidney,Gale, and Sam are startled by Amber's charred body running at them when Tara shoots her in the head, Sam tells Sidney and Gale thank you and the movie ends!
I Give 2 stars one for Jenna Ortega and the other for the Legacy characters even though the three barely makes half of the movie's run time!