My grandfather spent 12 years in the gulag. He was released in 1957. National Socialism (Nazism) and Communism (Marxism) in total are beyond miserable states. When blended in a 50/50 mix between socialism/communism and capitalism everything seems to work fine in a country. When Nazism and Communism evolve past that 55% mark in a country its a fast run to authoritativeness. Authoritativeness = totalitarianism or fascism. My family was in a part of Europe first controlled by Nazis and after controlled by Communists. To quote my grandfather, two heads on the same devil. Their life was hard and miserable. This book is a accurate representation of the ills of communism. I suggest reading - "The Black Book of Communism" also if you're curious to educate yourself.
Hitler (Nazi/National Socialist) was responsible for between 11 million and 12 million noncombatant deaths. Stalin was responsible for at least 6 million and as many as 9 million noncombatant deaths. Mao (Marxist/Communist) was responsible for 45 million deaths in peacetime within four years.
The past is pretty grotesque. We all each and every single one of us in the free western world in 2020 have it very good. Today in China a communist ripple (IMO 70% communist/ 30% Capitalist) there is still evidence of organ harvesting, mass rapes of Han women and concentration camps. In North Korea (which is IMO a 100% Marxist/Leninist/Communist relic) while I write this on 8/18/2020 "North Koreans are ordered to hand over pet dogs for meat as the country is rocked by food shortages." These are not ways to live.
100% communism has never and will never work, the most recent example is North Korea. 100% capitalism is a odd entity, a recent example can only be found in very violent tribal regions in Africa where government does not exist. Historically in the Americas it would be like the lawless American Wild West, that is a complete free market capitalist society. The only thing that works in a noble properly functioning society is a combination of the two. A free republic, with a non invasive functioning government that looks out for the interest of people and their liberties.