A fantastic book which encompasses how Orthodox Theology is much more than a Christian religion.
It is a mystical spirituality and one that through Revelation, pure philosophical and psychological thought, which can only be attained by practicing a virtuous way of life and not a worldly life, true knowledge (gnosis) can be attained.
It uses the Transcendental Argument (with metaphysics) to confirm God.
It shows how the early Christian Saints and writers through Revelation and the use certain truths in Greek Philosophy and literature enhanced and brought out Powerful Truths which lead (trancends) to
the the "Divine Logos", "Divine Mind", the "Triune God".
It also suggests that the philosophy since the Church Fathers is "ignorant" because of the "conceit " (pride and ego) of the academics and has not attributed to true knowledge of philosophy, theology, nature, cosmos, etc. The only advances have been in "practical" or sense data based philosophy which is even corrupted because of its limitations.
It is a must read and answers a lot of questions of life, body, soul, spirit, love, and most of all, God.