Story line was too long and boring with minimal climax. There’s too many one liner stupid jokes. The entire theme was about Feebie’s teacher becoming daddy and them thwarting her natural talent at the behest of Walter Peck, who would NEVER be NYC’s mayor based on his terrible performance working for the EPA and being responsible for the containment exploding in the first movie. Feebie’s bother was nothing but a dopey side kick and the mother bothers the snot out of me. POD cast was completely insignificant and unneeded. Ray acted like a confused old man, Venkman had hardly any role (perhaps he’s no longer capable?) - the “ghost” that Feebie related to talks like a Gen Z who can’t be bothered even with small talk. Earnie Hudson was the only actor I liked in this one. The story line simply tho made no sense. Why would Winston invest into all the R&D but yet the containment unit at the fire house is seriously unstable? The entire R&D stuff was only to set up the stage to have Feebie become the crossover for iceman.
Perhaps it’s time to let the franchise die, as much as that saddens me. When the movie ended, we all just sat there hoping for something more, something good. Nope. Just little stay pufts jacking a big rig. Lame lame … and lame.