When Julie Plec mentioned she wanted Legacies to stand on its own merit I understood what she was trying to acheive, however after watching the first two episodes of this show and being a tvd and to fan I feel that in order to keep this show afloat it needs help from its sister shows. Either in the form of actors like Candice King and maybe Kat Graham to play more of a permanent role (I see maybe Bonnie Bennet as a magic teacher) or somehow bringing in more emotionally evoking situations. One of the main reasons I love the franchise is for the "feels" its able to get me to have. This show is missing that in bucketloads. Until it is able to get the audience invested in the characters (some characters not really lead material) I dont think this show is going to work. Buffy antics should stay with buffy I really don't like the monster thing happening.