Most of the information reiterates what other financial advisors have written. However, if I didn’t know better, I would swear she is being paid by the government for advertising as her overly positive comments about how fabulous retirement is in Australia , her specious assertion that it is no harder to buy a house now than it ever was, and admonishment to the poor misguided citizens who stupidly believe that after decades of paying taxes they have some right to a pension rather than seeing it as a last resort safety net, not to mention her gleeful suggestion of extending one’s working life to achieve a modicum of security in old age all jarred with me. Agreed, we are much better off that some countries but when you look at the cost of living escalation and how even wages are not keeping pace with it, it should be acknowledged that trying to live comfortably on just a pension is bloody difficult. I found myself getting quite annoyed with her although her info seemed accurate. I skipped over the banal suggestions for retirement activities - start a vlog for example - because they all sounded a tiny bit patronising.