How do I start this? This is anime and it’s quite sexually overt! If this is Japanese anime, it shows a blank disrespect for a female form. It is an objectification of women and what I don’t understand is how come none of these characters look like they are Japanese they all look American Caucasian Americans, all you see are half naked, anime characters that are women. None of the men just women one character ask the other one to plant his seed in her. I was like oh my God children actually watch this? I guess and hope it’s for more mature audience. I’m sure young boys are having themselves the little ball with this, but what I don’t understand is why it’s on the Disney Channel because that’s where I found it. Disney You clearly need to watch this and figure out is this the kind of message you want to send to young people young and is this what young children are watching? I gave it to stars because it’s funny!