I agree with Alexander Neumans detailed review:. I suspect many negative reviews were submitted before viewing entire series: give it a fair chance. Negative feedback reg. bad dialogue, CGI, characters, comparisons with other recent epic TV series, accuracy... REALLY??? The dialogue is right for the Tolkien world in which it is set; Elf's, dwarves etc cannot speak like "Mad Men", The Wire", "P.Blinders"or even "GoThrones"!!!! GoT like others wouldn't even exist without Tolkien: a specific genre style we love with its characters, backstories, myths, legends & actual grammatically accuate languages long before Klingons & Dothraki etc; & mapped landscapes before G.R.R.Martin(!). The CGI is excellent: this world requires created landscapes, we all know they're CGI (just as theatre all media uses sets or books illustrations) u are supposed to accept that!! RofP production/arte ALL faithful to those created for P.J's LoR/Hobbit trilogies in design, characters, costume, props; this grounds RoP in its familiar/loved Middle Earth splendor. CGI has advanced since Star Wars,onwards into TV & improved viewers experience's with imagined world's & continue to improve with each decade & enhances the experience as the physical elements do. These epics cannot exist without it, they're STORIES, sophisticated Stories: Tolkien based in Britain's Post-Romano/"Dark Age" Norse/Euro-Asiacultures & "Epic Sagas", & not in contemporary"East End or Manchester Kitchens Sink Soap -dramas"! I'm enjoying it, I enjoyed GoT & Others which all also veered from the courses their authors/created, we "stepped into a larger world" (Kenobi: Star Wars:IV) with them all. I look forward to this adaption of Tolkeins vast mythology /literary appendecies continuing forwards:we know what happens but I wecome the opportunity to see how/why it happened, the dichotomy of the characters & it will keep improving. The series creators are listening to viewers opinions, not everyone will approve of how this & other beloved stories/series TV/movies continue/end, GoT, Star Wars, Star Trek, Walking Dead, Marvel et al., But that is the way of stories, they have lives of their own. Howard Shore & Bear Meary's scores are also magnificent. Enjoy the (unexpected) journey.. or don't... I will.