I don't know how anyone reading this book can fail to have compassion for Harry and Meg. Yet another dreadful unnecessary casualty of both an ill judged hugely unhealthy system of monarchy, and of the UK's shameful evil press.
It is clear the palace system and the press have destroyed and or maimed too many people.
I do not understand why we collude with it.
The book made me literally laugh and cry.
Harry is an enormously brave man. Physically and emotionally.
The book is an eye opener. I'm glad I read it. I will never believe anything bad I read in the press about them again, whoever it is. There are two sides and more to everything and we are often trapped inside our side. Of course there are things about Harry and the book people will sit back comfortably and relish criticising. He who is without sin....
Give them a break. They are human beings who hurt and cry and love and grieve and get into a rage and rebel and feel guilty and abandoned and thankful. Dear God, thank God, that they had the courage to confront the system and make a break for their own lives with their children. Surely people do not begrudge them that? It was not his choice to be born into this family with it's deeply problematic expectations and restrictions which has cruelly damaged so many of its members. I would not last day in the army at war. I would not last one day in the Palace with that amount of daily pressure, loneliness, feeling you can not trust those closest to you, at the mercy of the vile British press, ruining every chance of a normal life and relationship. Thank God he met Meg. I hope they live happily and peacefully and continue to heal and grow together.