Heres to Fareed Zzkaria, who, until today, I never realized was the "Galacticly uninformed, biased, anti-semitic and not very bright "reporter" on CNN. This man stared at the audience and declared Israel should create a state for the 5M Palestinians. Whoops - poor Palestinians. It's a stretch, but does Fareed understand Palestine is under the rule of a terrorist organization called Hamas, who recently tortured, raped , burnt, murdered and took Jewish Hostages who were celebrating a holiday? And, who has killed some of those and now there are fewer hostages.
Does he know that the declared intention of this organization is not to
achieve statehood, but to destroy all the Jews in Israel? Or, did he simply forget to mention it at the fear of making his relatives angry.
Clearly, he forgot to mention it. Perhaps he should reach out to his friends and let them know he failed in his bid to destroy Israel and they should possibly think of a way to achieve real peace.
Fareed, how dare you try to deepen a hateful situation by urging the destruction of Israel. You don't deserve to speak on any subject where you speak of only one side. Otherwise, join Hamas and go forward with your true intentions...................arlene port