A genuine masterpiece, this game should've been a GOTY nominee. It has surpassed From Software's Soulsborne series in almost every way (and no I don't consider Sekiro a Soulsborne). This isn't n insult to Fromsoft; rather I think this game is a loveletter to Fromsoft in the way that it expands on what was previously established. The combat is extremely difficult, but also completely fair and has an insane amount of variety in how you approach it. The bosses are also exceptional, both in moveset and art direction. The level design easily matches the best of Fromsoft in terms of quality, although it is quite linear. The atmosphere is also perfect, with music coming from in-game speakers, wolves and birds being heard in outdoor areas, posters advertising the various puppets you fight, not to mention the way the art direction perfectly blends Belle Epoche and steampunk. The only real criticsim I have are that the voice acting and translations are hit or miss, but they do at least hit more than they miss.