The film is extraordinary. it has the convincing realism of a super documentary, but more poignant, and the director, helped by a magnificent actress, manages to make the succession of ordinary life crises into a thriller. A divorced mother of two, who is highly educated but has not found a job in her field after the firm that she worked in closed, lives in a village somewhat farther away than a suburb, and commutes to Paris. She works as.head maid in a palace hotel,where she us treated abominably. She is looking for a job in her field. But then, there is an almost total transportation strike. The much vaunted system of the Parisian region shuts down and our heroine's life becomes more and more unmanageable. She is not poor, she is not underprivileged but she is alone with her kids and her life is overwhelming. An ordinary story which someone had the courage and the talent to tell.