As a fan of the animated series, I went into this with low expectations because the first attempt at a live action was quite frankly to this day, the greatest disappointment in a movie I've ever experienced. However, granted what limitations the cast and crew had, Netflix did an amazing job. Casting was great, the way they brought these creatures to life (Appa, Momo, the creatures from the Spirit Realm, etc) - was fantastic. Even the details in Aangs arrows that you see more clearly when he goes into the Avatar state, the attention to detail is just commendable and I'm honestly looking forward to Season 2. Shout out to the actor and actress who played Zuko and Azula, because they are literally on point. They are quite literally the irl versions of their characters and I enjoyed every moment they were on screen. The only reason the series is a 4 rating for me rn is because the storytelling is a bit jumbled, so there are definitely events that are being meshed together that can get a bit confusing. Also shout out to the Cabbage man! We definitely enjoyed him too 😅