Loved it! Yes, he talks, it's an origin story, his fighting skills..meh, they're okay, again, an origin story. Let's talk about the amazing 98% all Asian cast!?!!. And how about Grandma, a total BOSS!!! Loving that movies are finally producing superheroes that black, brown & yellow children can look up to. Handsome Henry super fly as usual & Andrew Koji is a beast! Can't wait for the sequel...
P.S. I too, grew up watching the cartoon, but never understood why no one ever looked like me. So, impossible storylines, yeah big deal, maybe less than "authentic" costumes, whoopty doo. I mean, if we're nitpicking, we can discuss how the cartoon never had Japanese ninjas...the more important aspect is that a whole new generation of children can not only grow up on G.I Joe, but can also see their reflections and think "yes, I want to be a Joe too, the greatest American hero... just my two cents❤