played it for a few was painful...this is arguably rocksteady's WORST game. All the devs from the arkhamverse have left and has been replaced with woke ones. This is just sunset overdrive except with woke fantasies of killing the justice league using an overused suicide squad concept.
they single-handedly killed the arkhamverse by killing batman in the most disrespectful way. they gave all the superheroes the worst boss fights ever and i sometimes gagged from playing the suicide squad because they sometimes make terrible quips.
this was Kevin's last performance as batman. i cant believe i played this absolute woke garbage. the live service was so bad i lost it sometimes. I admit the game was at least playable here and there but the bad guys were generic, the boss fights were generic.
overall i'm saddened. This is rocksteady now. the once beloved arkham franchise ending like this. murdered. I hope rocksteady crashes and burns for this.