Full Metal Jacket is a classic and one of my all time faves. Every time that it happens to be on, I watch it like there's something gonna happen differently than the last fifteen hundred times I've watched it! I remember first time watching this movie, I couldn't have been any older than probably 10 at the most and that was not even when it was first released but years later when my mom and dad rented it on VHS from the video store and I snuck downstairs and watched it with them. Of course I didn't know what any of it meant back then but have grown to understand over the years the movie and the message behind it.
The actor playing the drill sgt. for basic training, I learned, had not previously acted in movies or in films and was actually a last minute thing once the director saw what he could do and how well he fit the part. No matter what roles he played since, he will forever be remembered as the drill sgt. from this movie who gets blown away by an overweight, butt hurt, insane marine in training that was pushed over the edge and couldn't handle basic training. And it seemed like any films he was in after this he played the same character military type sgt or officer of some sort or retired military.
If you don't think this movie is one of the all time classics and were offended by it, get a life.... some of the funniest quotes ever to come from a movie script are found right here in this film!