Ironic. Foundation is the story of a doomed society. The forces at work are destroying it and there's nothing anyone can do to save it. How very appropriate for an American TV show then.
Of course as an adaptation of Asimov's work it is a failure and as a TV show it is the only thing American film makers are capable of making any more. America is so devoured by its societal problems they obsess over it and can't find it in themselves to create anything new or different.
It's been said Foundation is impossible to film. If this show did anything it's reinforce that view. What this show ends up being is the story of two young black women who fight for hard to understand reasons with a young Persian woman. In the background there's a clone emperor story unfolding as well. How this relates to Foundation I'll never know.
One of the issues with American TV is that it is, like the McDonald's Big Mac, an engineered product. X amount of screen time must go to each race, each gender, each sexual orientation. ABC and D topics must be covered from the "correct" perspective in order to make the show "relevant". The main points from the adapted original work must be included and then there's a required amount of CGI splendor, allowable humor and of course violent action scenes that must be added to the mix.
The end result is homogenous, predictable, competent and entirely without surprise. It's a Big Mac. You want a Big Mac sometimes but not every time you eat.