Welcome to Sea of Bullies. Do not let the Tall Tales or other advertised Disney Pirate Adventure nonsense fool you. This is a PvP game with bad PVP glitches and exploits. "PvE" is used as a lure for unsuspecting consumers (as is the Pirate Code nonsense) This is one of the most hostile games towards new players. The crew match is horrible and full of trolls. I can count the number of "nice" people I have run into on one hand (played 400+ hours) Don't get it twisted. The bullies are just playing the game as intended, with every advantage given to them by the developers. The developers WANT the game this way.
If you are not into playing with other people and don't want to crew up, and play games to have fun, this game is not for you. Save yourself the time and money. There are plenty of other non-toxic, non-bully based games out there. Such a shame really. It is quite a beautiful game. Bummer it is wasted on such ardent believers of poor behaviour (been called every name under the sun, which the developers response is to mute ALL crews, similar to if you are being harrassed (persued constantly or spawn camped, also a point of the game, to get bullied) to scuttle your ship (which had to be introduced to the game because of said bullying) or leave the server (essentially quit and start over, so more wasted time) There were some fun times but not enough to justify wasting any more time.
I have played many games, both virtual and tabletop. Have enjoyed many other PvP games and PvPvE games as there are usually options to avoid the toxic trolls who run amuck. Generally, those games intent is not based on ruining someone else's time but more on actual PvP. Really glad this does not have a monthly sub and that I spent very little on this game.
And if you have been in the forums (and you really shouldn't) it is full of these sociopaths defending their behaviour in typical, ignorant fashion. If you listen to the developers podcast, specifically episode #2, you will see that they WANT this "magic" in the game. Even broaching the topic, they are as stubborn as the Forum Warriors or have pitiful giggly sessions. But hey, it is their game. It is also their money to lose by alienating a large player base. THEY DO NOT CARE.
Just wanted to give an actual honest review of this game from a non-bully, and inform other consumers, Buyer Beware! If you are not a "vaunted PvPer" that spawn kills and camp noobs thinking that is PvP, while talking insane amounts of garbage, then you are the bait for these people. If you are thinking of trying out this game, make sure you want to deal with trolls and are prepared to be told to "git gud" while you are almost always forced to scuttle or leave/switch servers. Spend your money elsewhere as that is one's only true voice these days.