My wife & I went to the movies to see Napoleon last night 11/22/2023. Not much to add except the popcorn was fantastic. Couldn't avoid how the monarchy in that part of the world ruled. Its mind boggling how these families are privileged from birth having everything. I give thanks to God that my country USA does not have this type of government. We have our own sort of monarchy Rich Families. But at least I as a tax payer don't have to bow or support there lifestyle. Getting back to the film always enjoy a good Ridley Scott film. Joaquin & Kirby were the icing on the cake we enjoyed there roles. In closing at the end of the movie they gave KIAs in all of Napoleons wars. The numbers were staggering especially the war with Russia. Funny part was with all the DEAD, Napoleon gets exiled again with some servants & retirement. Like I said it was all about the monarches not so much about the common man. May God Bless America...Never Any Monarches.