Ugh. Just ugh. No fault to the actors. They did their best with what they were given. But the writers, songwriters and choreographers have a lot to answer for. Not sure how they missed the mark at every single step but they did. Perhaps in trying too hard to recreate the magic of the original.
Where the plot deviated from the original it was darker, sadder, and even scarier than the original. Not certain why exactly my 5 year old had to sit through the lost of the mother, the nightmare scene, and the threat of the loss of the home in what was supposed to be a fun musical film aimed at his age group.
Where it mirrored the original it compared unfavourably. The songs were just not catchy. The dance routines were merely meh.
I adore Lin Manuel Miranda. Emily Blunt was and excellent Mary Poppins. But they could simply not save this movie from itself.