Want a good addiction? Go smoke or drink but please dont touch this game. I am warning you. Playing League of Leagends causes hearth palpitations, uncontroled burst of anger, permanent brain damage, hearth problems even temporary brain death. You may ask: " How is this even possible?" Well lets start on the magical journey that is the garbage dump called LoL. To begin with the unbalance of the champion selection is apperent as the difference between black and white, AD champions always win but dont be fooled, only the recent ones and a few assassins. Zed for example... Immunity on R plus invulnerable clones that can damage you even under tower with no way to contest. Yi Q making him untargateble and can us all his skills while you w8 for him to finish killing you and so much more. Lets just say that there are 5 roles Tank, Support, ADC, Assassin and Mage. Who wins? ADC 99% of the time Who Tanks? ADC 90% of the time. Who heals the most? ADC 95% of the time. Want to win??---- Well you have 2 options. 1 hack the pc of the enemy team and kick 4/5 players or 2 Pray your Adc is competent to hold his mouse and if the stars align, he looks at the map. Lets go to items, Always play Attack speed, thats the way to win (few exceptions for the permanent stacking champs like Veigar, Nasus etc). Lets just say whoever gets first kill has 99.999% chance of wining since its usualy the enemy adc.
You may ask but are there any roles except adc. Well there should be but they dont do nothing in this game. Riot might say they have tanks but they have 1 tank, Rammus, the rest are supports with more base Hp.