1. The dad is the most useless character in any movie ever made. He gets tapped in the leg with a baseball bat and is suddenly incapable of running. Even when his son is kidnapped
2. The table. Was she just unable to move the 25 pound table she was handcuffed to in order to get the fire poker
3. Why the hell did they drive back to the damn beach. They knew that there were clones or whatever everywhere because they saw it on the news
4. Why the hell did the dad let the daughter drive. They were running for their lives and he’s like, “screw it, now is a good time to drive”
5. Why did they drive to their friends house and not a police station?
6. The ending. None if what the clone mom says matches with the ending. Litterally 5 minutes before finding out the “twist ending” she says, “you could have taken me with you” which tells us that the clone wanted the real girl to take her back to her family. But if the ending is accurate then the clone mom should have said “you could have came with me instead or kidnapping me”. It felt like they just slapped that ending after finishing the movie
I get that this movie was full of symbolism and hidden messages. But the movie was so bad and made so little sense that I didn’t even care about the symbolism because I was trying to decipher what the hell was happening.