Lost In The Barrens Movie Review
Created by: Director: Micheal Scott, and Main Actors: Nicholas Shields and Evan Adams.
Genre: Coming of age, Children’s literature, Fiction, Adventure.
When Jaime was just a young teenager, his parents tragically died in a car crash. Due to these circumstances, Jaime has to attend St. George's private school because he has no other place to go. As Jaime lives there, he has monthly fees, and his scholarship money dries up, Jamie is sent away from his prep school to the icy regions of northern Canada. His uncle Angus lives there as a trapper. Jaime’s father disapproved of Angus but he has nowhere else to go. At first, Jamie found his new isolated existence boring, but it became far more exciting when he met his new friend Awasis. Awasis is about the same age as Jaime. Awasis is an indigenous Cree and is also a teenage boy. Though Jaime and Awasis being complete opposites, one a city boy, they will have to work together for their upcoming events. While Awasis’s father is hunting, they become lost in the wilderness and have to fight for their survival!
In the movie, there are multiple scenes of kindness and reflection. Jaime and Awasis are complete opposites but that does not stop them from being the best of friends. Everyone should have equality and this movie is a perfect example of this message. There are multiple other life lessons you could take out of this movie. In my opinion, the movie could have been more exciting and dramatic in some parts. The viewers could often get bored with watching and be easily distracted. I did like the idea to show a lesson of equality by making the 2 main characters different races. The quality could use some work but for the 1990’s it was pretty good. Overall, I think the movie has a great storyline and decent acting.