There are so many issues facing us but the most important of all is the loss of the three Ps, phytoplankton, pollinators and plants, half gone in my lifetime. We need not pause and ponder global warming because the floods of hungary migrants will overwhelm our communities long before the high tides and science is clueless. I watched great people on CNN heading beach cleanings, and Gretta, how sad she's fighting the wrong battle. PCB laced microplastic is displacing phytoplankton as the beginning of the ocean food chain, and the oceans are dying. The oceans feed one billion people directly and billions more indirectly feeding cattle, pigs and chickens also. Phytoplankton ended the first global warming by sequestering CO2 and converting it to oxygen and food, even today most of our oxygen comes from phytoplankton. We need to immediately let the system work, it will manage the CO2 and feed us but if we continue to pollute and chop down the forests we don't stand a chance. The green new deal, solar panels and electric vehicles are not the answer and only use more resources we so desperately need.