So as the bloke that made this 3 1/2 yrs ago, I was suffering from a dissassociative episode at the time resulting from a collection of past traumas that I wasn't yet ready to process. In my strange state of mind I made this, under the guise of it being an A-level extended project– which I somehow got an a* for (go figure). In some ways it was a call for help though because I was able to package it in such a way that it seemed to mirror my high achieving personality it was not heard by anyone: even the people who perhaps could have helped me. As such the music is strange, its lack of mixing and strange lyrics seem like they were made by some Tommy Wiseau type madman, who was me: sort of. It reflects a strange point at which my personality started to collapse in on itself. This album is what happens when the only music that still makes sense to you is made by aphex twin.
Alas, I'm fine now, and it is only through a few years of separation that I am able to see this for its potential, for the truth in its message and its extreme, perhaps even extremist earnestness. I hope that if you listen to it you can excuse its eccentricities to see its value: as an account of someone confused by the world and struggling to keep up. The politics is tangential, it was the only way that I could express myself at that point.
Forgive the pretentiousness, I cannot get rid of it at this point and so I think it better to leave it as a record, I hope you understand.