If you are into comedies and cars then look no further cause you have just stumbled upon one of the best tv creations ever and I'm not just saying that cause I'm a gearhead. NO! Top Gear is legit a good show, well at least up until they presenter's names were Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and Captain Slow. everything seems to have gone downhill since them and I'm sorry Joey but without chandler, you're not so much interesting especially not with Mr what's his face.
The show teaches you how cars are part of your life and takes you on adventures across the globe while the hosts undergo frivolous challenges provided by the producer. They pack comedy and wit while encompassing great views and did I mention beautiful cars? They give a pretty practical take on every car, be it sporty or a regular ugly Lada.
Throw on any episode from any season and you will instantly feel the chemistry between the three( you know who), which has definitely diminished since season 22.
I give the old, old Top Gear a 5/5 but the new only 2/10 (no, you do the math)
but that's only my opinion....